Helenore’s Blog

I love you, God.
November 11, 2009, 12:20 am
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God said: In this relationship, I hold you up.

This video has moved me in so many ways.
I teared up watching this.

Ever since I’ve become part of my youth group, and turned towards God, my life has become so much clearer. I try to turn to Him for whatever I need, even more than what I need. Just when I want to talk to someone, I talk to Him. God is my best friend. No one knows me more than God does. He created me for a specific reason, and I search for that reason in the times to come. If you pray to Him, He’ll ALWAYS answer. The answer may be the opposite of what you search for, it may be what you work for, or it may take a while to find the answer. Everyone needs that one person to look up to. Look up to God. He knows what you want and what you need. He is the definition of perfection.

God, thank you for making me the person I am today. Help my flaws and imperfections. Help me become the person you want me to be. I’m sorry if I moved away from you in any way. I’m sorry if I ever hurt you. I am honestly and truly sorry. Take me down that pathway, and I will never look away from you.
I love you, God.

God doesn’t make junk.

November 9, 2009, 3:17 am
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One thing that makes me so mad is when people don’t have respect for teachers.
My CCD class is so annoying. The boys in our class always get in trouble. Some of them are my friends, but they just need to be quiet. I absolutely hate that. It’s like that at school too. I mean, there’s no need to talk back or roll your eyes. Seriously, Grow up.


Okay, I’ve been wanting to this off my chest. But he shall remain anonymous.

I like you. I really do. Even if I met you this year, it’s like we’ve known each other for a while.
When we first started talking, there was no awkwardness.
We have so much in common, I find it scary.
I’m not afraid to open up to you.
I can honestly say this has never happened to me before. Atleast not like this.
And I know you know that I like you, because my friend told you. I was there.
Ever since that day, I changed my attitude towards the situation.
So whatever happens, happens.
I will not do anything to influence how you feel.

Hm. Who knows.
It’s in God’s hands.

Fallin for you.
November 8, 2009, 6:13 am
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A friend got me listening to Falling for you by Colbie Caillat again.
Before, when I listened that song, I just thought it was cute, and it is, but now, I finally realized the meaning of the lyrics.

It explains my situation sort of.
I want to tell that person, but I don’t want to at the same time.

Goodness me, I have no idea.

Other than that, today was a good day.

The household was a great start to my day.
Then Erica and I went to the mall. Unfortunately, my friend wasn’t able to make it ): but that’s okaaay.

I felt sort of left out and awkward at the mall today,until ROCHELLE showed up (:

Being at Auntie Bambi’s house was probably the highlight of my day.
I love my family.

Coming home and playing games against Justin is hilarious. That kid is cool.
I spent the longest time on the phone today.

I’ve been staying up really late too.


Dear anonymous,
you know but you don’t know that I know. Which is why it’s hard.

Cough cough.
October 8, 2009, 2:10 pm
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This is the first time I’ve gotten sick during high school.

It’s not as bad as I thought it would be. I just have a fever and I’m coughing.

Now I’m sitting at home in my bed watching Glee and other shows on fancast.com (:

October 6, 2009, 11:28 pm
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Whatever, I think I should give up.
I mean, really. What’s the point int trying.
Everything is happening the same way they were.

October 3, 2009, 3:14 am
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I like writing letters without giving it to whom it is written to vent my feelings sometimes.
I wrote three letters today to three different people.
I have a strong urge to give it to them.

It’s bothering me.

I really don’t know.
The situation is just getting worse and worse.

October 2, 2009, 7:01 pm
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Things definitely got worse.


It’s in the ABC’s of growing up.
October 1, 2009, 6:43 pm
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Today was probably the hardest days of my high school career so far.

I had to take two Stanford 10 tests in English.
I had to take my test in Algebra II/Trig which I blanked out on and got an 85. Then after the test I had to try and catch up with the class.
I had to copy notes from other people and had to be in a group with people whom I love, but just gets off task really really easily.
I had to do an Oral Presentation and still didn’t finish my make-up work in time for the bell.

I am never going to miss a day of school again.


It feels weird walking alone to classes now. And then no one there to meet you at your locker at the end of the day.

What am I supposed to do, really?
Am I angry?Jealous?
I have no idea, but whatever it is, I’m not going to let myself go crazy over this situation.

I love you.
September 24, 2009, 8:28 pm
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Rest In Peace

Grandma Susan & Nanay

I love you.

You got a friend in me.
September 24, 2009, 12:17 am
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Well, I have made lots of new friends.

I’m just glad I’ve made up with one particular friend.
We just finished talking and things are great.
It’s like nothing ever happened.

I’m in a great mood.